Judge Removed Electronic Monitor and Lets Man Walk with Unsecured Bonds.
If this man is not caught by November 23, 2019, the Mecklenburg County School Board will miss out on this $220,000 all because of Judge Miller. NO JUSTICE FOR THE VICTIM.
All due to Judge REGAN MILLER releasing a violent offender on UNSECURED BONDS and REMOVING his Electronic Monitor that he had already violated twice while being out.
As you can see from the paperwork below, JUDGE MILLER already had the warning signs PRINTED for him and JUDGE MILLER still REMOVED HIS ELECTRONIC MONITOR AND RELEASED him on UNSECURED BONDS ($220,000.00 Worth).
Now this man has 7 outstanding Orders for Arrest unserved.
Just these 2 charges are:
First arrested on these charges on 09/25/2017 and released on Secured bonds and Electronic Monitor. He has violated his Electronic Monitor at least twice (4/15/19 and 6/10/19) and was arrested this last time on 06/12/2019 for Electronic Monitor Violation and placed on $220,000 SECURED BONDS. The Order for Arrest was already preset with these bond amounts when it was issued on 06/10/19 with $220,000 Secured. The Defendant was taken to court the very next day 06/13 and JUDGE REGAN MILLER UNSECURED HIS BONDS AND ORDERED THAT THE ELECTRONIC MONITOR BE REMOVED.
When is the victim ever going to see justice???
This Defendant has 8 pages of offenses just in Mecklenburg County.
Public Safety at risk again!!!